Monday, February 16, 2009

Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?

I guess in honor of valentines day this weekend I am gonna talk about Sixteen Candles. It is one of John Hughes high school romantic comedies about a girl that only wants one thing for her sweet sixteen, and it seems like everything is standing in her way. There is a great performance from a young Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall as The Geek. I'm gonna keep this post short and sweet but first some trailers...

I really hope this movie is gonna be part of the Midnight Movie lineup.

I don't have a whole lot to say about the movie this week besides that it is great. It was a standout movie from the directorial debut of John Hughes who also wrote the script and went on to write a ton of other teen comedies. There are a ton of hilarious bits of dialog and just about every embarrassing thing that could happen to Molly Ringwald pretty much does. I did love the small role that John Cusack played and the "cameo" by his sister Joan Cusack. Not really sure what else to say other that this is a stereotypical 80's teen comedy and is a must see. Well anyways here are a couple of scenes that are notable.



Oh Sam, let me take a look at you. Fred, she's gotten her boobies.Photobucket

The Geek trying to make a move...

Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?

Party Aftermath!


No more yankie my wankie. The Donger need food.
I couldn't leave without showing you the Donger.

Happy birthday, Samantha. Make a wish.
Well, it already came true.

Next week: Se7en

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